
♡ EOS Barbie King Pink lenses review~~ ♡ FAV LENSES EVERRRRR

So, it's been a long time since I've purchased new lenses and eventhough I bought this a long time ago I never bothered to do a review so I'm doing it now. <3

I purchased this from Kiwiberry~ They came from Gangnam district, Seoul, South Korea. Yes, Gangnam! xD They came in the mail extremely fast but shipping was a bit costly: it was about the same amount as the lenses!! And NO TRACKING NUMBER AT ALL!!! Madness~ But anyways, I knew their shipping was expensive but it was one of the only places that I knew that carries this exact color~ : / I used a 50% discount coupon ^-^

I didn't take any 'one in, one out' photos, sorry xD

Flash light and messy brows
Natural light
Sunset light and more dramatic make up

I really love the color and the pattern~~ ♡ and even love it more in person~
Plus they're really comfy when worn, I had them up to 8 hours with no complications~

I give them a ♡♡♡♡♡ on design, comfort and enlargement ^^
About ♡♡ on shipping and handling :/ as stated above...
And I purchased this with my own money and were not sponsored, etc~

Now that I got a bit of free time I took some photos~~ ^^

He was screaming something at me... I don't know XD
Manticore, my cat ♡

High as fuck!

So nice afternoon ♡

I've been watching a lot of old movies~ Today I'm watching Lolita (1962).
Now I wanna watch the Jeremy Irons one~~~

Hope you have a nice day! :)
See ya!


  1. Te quedan muy bonitas esas lenses ♥ te hacen un ojo muy dolly :3
    Me encanta el nombre de tu gato *^* Me ha recordado a un anime que estoy viendo (Chuunibyou)
    ¡Un besito! ^-^

    1. Awwww no lo conozco ese anime pero debería ponermelo a ver hahaha. Me alegro que te gusten querida Andrea! Besitos <3

  2. jooo qué bonitas son las lenses!!te quedan super bien además que son un rosa bastante llevable^^me voy a tener que hacer con unas morada o rositas >_<

    PD: wapa!!

    1. Me alegro que te hayan gustado, es una penica que no sea tan conocido este modelo, es uno de los más cutes que he visto!! Así que anímate <3

  3. Replies
    1. Animate a probarlos, que estos son muy muy cómodos!! ^___^

  4. aklsjdflkasjdflak mantitoooooooooooooooooooo jajajajajaj

  5. AWWWW Your cat sounds like a turkey...! X3 So cute. ♥

  6. jajaja tu gato es como el mio! Siempre quise probar lentes de contacto pero me da miedito :/ soy boluda, lo se.
    Me encanta tu videito al costado <3


    1. Awww no!!! Animate que son muy lindos y cómodos, te dan un look especial, algunos te cambian toda la cara directamente!! :D Este par que tengo yo te hacen ojitos de muñequita :3
      Me alegro que te guste el videito, me causa mucha gracia a mí jajajaja :3

  7. qué lindos Tsuki! :)
    te quedan hermosos!! yo siempre quise usar contacts lilas, pero nunca me animé ni me ocupé en conseguirlos. pero ver lo buenos que quedan me tienta de nuevo!


  8. Te quedan re bien lo lentes!
    Yo uso también, pero solo colores muy naturales. No me animo a algo tan jugado!
    Aunque debería probar alguno antes de descartar totalmente la idea, no?

  9. I really love the color! :D And I love your lower lash. What kind of falsies did u use?

    1. I did cut some Princess eye lower lashes because they were damaged ^^ Thank you!!


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