I found this utterly interesting and I think you should read it! Although it's a bit long, but anyways, I encourage you to read it ^-^
Source: Audrey Kitching's buzznet blog
This topic is extracted from Farley Malorrus's show on July 17th 1987, August 20th 1987 and September 20th 1988, containing variations on the subject of Karma. The essence of self-Karma is presented here.
The topic of Karma is related to
your current Soul state of growth in this third dimension of Earth. The
personal balance that we accumulate in one's debit and credit bank has a
lot to do with which area you are destined to grow the most, and the
area where your Karma is focused.
The Karma in America is so
different to that in other parts of the world. If you live in South
Africa, most of your Karma would be related to actions of physical
survival and the kind of race relationships that are developed between
people. Life in the ghetto and certain parts of our inner cities are
similar, due to the gang violence, but thankfully, many parts of our
country are buffer or safety zones.
The Karma of self in America is
often a focus on a lack of career and relationships, where the biggest
pain suffered is rejection. Therefore, if this is the crossroads that
you've arrived at during your spiritual evolutionary journey in this
dimension, then obviously you have overcome most of the physical and
painful Karma that other people and nations are intimately involved in.
This is the painful Karma of violent war, and Karma of obtaining basic
needs such as food, shelter and clothing.
Until you have resolved and
fulfilled your Karma, you will continue to reincarnate into sequential
lifetimes on Earth. Neither God nor the Lords of Karma bestow suffering
upon you during these lives. Only you decide what is needed to learn
during your earthly sojourn. For each life experience you seek out other
souls, often with shared histories, and always with karmic
configurations matching your needs. Whenever you act with wrongful
intention you create Karma. This involves such actions which are
considered to be connected with thoughts, emotions, words and deeds,
together with the motive intent and desire behind each. Dis-harmonious
acts must be balanced in the future, either during this life or in a
future lifetime beyond this one. These actions are rooted in fear-based
emotions which must be resolved where you can release yourself from the
wheel of Reincarnation. You return lifetime after lifetime to test
yourself to see if you have learned your lesson. Until you can go
through an entire lifetime with total involvement and no disharmonious
attachment what so ever, you will continue to reincarnate. In other
words, when you can live a life of perfect harmony, liberation will
follow, which is quite difficult, in being human.
During ones' life in this
dimension a few mistakes can occur due to being vulnerable. Until you
discover the importance of being spiritual without obsession, you will
continue to make and experience the wrong choices. When we incarnate
here on Earth, most humans—which is 99.9% of us—come into life here with
debts and credits from experiences, actions, thoughts, words and events
from past lives (unless you are a Bodisatva having virtually Karma free
energy, who comes here to just teach, share and help others evolve). I
know there are those out there who like to believe that they are pure,
clean, clear and perfect beings. Things happen to them like car
accidents; someone totals their car, or their pets get killed, or they
lose friends or family, they get rejected in relationships, God forbid
they have a horrible health Karma fall upon them.
People will come to me or
telephone me and ask, "Why me?? why am I going through this pain? I'm a
good person, I don't deserve this." "Why did this person have to die?
They were so good, they were so loving." At certain times we find that
the good do indeed die young. Some of the best people we know, and some
of the most evolved beings, seem to be only here for a fleeting moment,
and then they are gone. They were too evolved for this dimension, so
they chose to go into the light and beyond it. The pain of life here on
Earth was just too much for their Soul to handle. You have to remember
that through the course of history of Earth there has been a lot of
pain, a lot of hurt feelings, a lot of murdering, violence, war, death,
many of you out there may have been warriors if not all of you at one
time or other. You could have been criminals, pirates, maybe rapists,
arsonists, a lot of you were thieves.
We let materialistic desires such
as the bodies of other people, create a sexual attraction or obsession
for love and relationships. This is a major area where we can get in
trouble karmically speaking, where we can create this need to have this
one special person when really everyone in the world, spiritually
speaking, is a reflection of your own self. But we like to focus on this
one person, and if we don't have this person, we are apt to hurt our
self, hurt them, or do something to create a negative karmic energy that
one day we will have to pay back. I like to prepare for any negativity
in case it happens. I try to train myself to bounce back, to bounce off
of it, to maintain a positive, spiritual, confident attitude. Also to
identify any painful experience that may happen concerning money, love,
romance, sex, friends, goals, family, and career as a karmic pay back.
If my boss comes in here yelling at me, screaming at me and threatens to
fire me, I view it as a karmic pay back. Not only is he having a bad
day, but I might of been his boss back in Atlantis and may have done the
exact same thing to him one day, when he was on the air, and blasted
his brains out. This would be a payback. Another thing you must also
understand is that the only Karma that you have is with yourself! It is
not with other people.
When people ask if they have
Karma with their girlfriend, or with their wife, it is really a Karma
with oneself, others act only as a catalyzer, to stimulate the karmic
experience, that comes back from the past, to form an event in which you
should generate as a clear picture of what you must absolve.
Unfortunately, many people hang on to bad relationships, and refuse to
identify them as a payback Karma to be processed and let go of, they
just won't let go. In reality, it's like hanging onto a monster, such as
Frankenstein, as he drags you down the hall.
As we walk through this path
called Earth, you'll notice that whenever you have a good, comfortable,
or happy day, that sometimes you take it for granted, which you really
shouldn't. There is such a nightmare going on in different parts of this
planet, with people dying, being held prisoner under dictatorial
governments, and being held prisoner under dogmatic philosophies that
might not be the best for them, there is a lot of weird pressure and
events going on. So when we are having good days that we take for
granted, consider each of these days to be a blessing. That is why I
thank God that I can say, when asked "Farley how are you?" I can respond
with "Best day of my life."
It would appear that there are
strange things going on, people with AIDs, those addicted to drugs and
alcohol, all kinds of diseases, and for the late eighties, possible war
tendencies. We are really running karmically hot right now, this is an
important time, because obviously if you take the sum total of all human
thoughts, behaviors, and actions in this dimension throughout the
history of the Earth, you will end up with a karmic force that is a
major debt to be paid back or balanced. That's how harmony works. You
can't have harmony until you balance Karma.
So when we take a look at the
situation on Earth and understand the mess that we really are in, then
you've got to believe that not enough people are educated under karmic
law. The reason there is this problems with AIDs is because there is not
enough education. The reason there are so many problems on this Earth
is because not enough people understand Karma. The reason we have
terrorists and dictators is because society chooses to ignore
fundamental issues, even when a group of people decides to react to
these issues. If more of us understood the law of Karma, and learned how
to process it, then people would get along that much better.
Certain individuals might be the
Reincarnation of a mass murderer, a dictator, or God forbid, of someone
like Hitler or Stalin. Everyone's actions are tied to their own personal
karmic banks, even though we are connected with family Karma, group
Karma, national Karma, and world Karma. The starting point however, is
learning to live at peace and harmony with yourself. One of the ways to
identify your Karma is to recognize those areas where you can get hurt,
and where you are vulnerable.
Relationships is one of the more
significant areas of Karma. One day you have the horns on and find
yourself on the hunt. You try charming someone into your bedroom and
your motive, ways and means are not very sound, so a negative force is
set up a where someday you might be set up or used, as the object of
some affection. This is the reversal or aligned instigation on that
event. An aligned instigation occurs not from a directly related event,
but an accumulation of events that build up over many lifetimes, and
which are not processed. Suppose you are aggressive about seduction, and
actually attack someone, or even rape them, which could be from a
previous life. Then one day you will be put into a situation where you
will have to pay that Karma off. Maybe walking down a lonely alley, late
one night, with a tight red dress on and you definitely magnify that
karmic energy that comes back to you. People think that Karma doesn't
seem quite fair, because in this lifetime a lot of us seem to start off
good, we think we're doing a good job, we're feeling fine, then out of
nowhere, out of left field, we seem to get hit with a sledge hammer such
as a severe auto accident, a severe health crisis, a heavy
relationship, a family or marriage crisis, and every time you have to
look at that situation as some kind of karmic experience that needs to
be absolved, processed and let go of, that you need to bounce back from.
The main way to absolve Karma is
to make a peace with yourself, and try to be less selfish and obsessed
as possible. Try to retain a spiritual priority in your life,
recognizing the God-force in yourself and in others and respecting this.
Meditation is the best way I know to absolve Karma, no matter what kind
of Karma you may have. By taking up meditation and even chanting, you
can form a relationship with your higher self, this allows you to
process this karmic vibration without having to go through the pain or
physical experience in itself.
Recognize when you are in a
karmic whirlpool, and if the situation is one in which you can back out
gracefully, by saying "God bless you," "Thanks for the trial," "I
understand," at the appropriate time without making them feel hostile,
or like an idiot which could allow them to hate you when your gone, just
doesn't absolve the Karma, but makes it worse. Try to bow out as
gracefully as possible, and meditate and chant your way through it.
Try not to be unethical or
immoral in your quest for power, love, sex, money or whatever it is,
because if you ever take advantage of other people, you hurt yourself in
the quest for anything material in this dimension. That is how you
accumulate negative karmic vibrations which must be absolved for your
Soul to evolve. The most evolved beings are those who have absolved
their Karma. The most unevolved people are the ones stuck in pain ruts,
agony, torture, and self destruction in their lives who don't even
understand Karma or refuse to admit it's power and it's truth.
The body is the temple of the
Soul, it is a vehicle, rather like a car. The body is a Karma machine,
it creates Karma or it absolves it. When it absolves Karma its because
it de-materializes for a while, and emphasizes the spiritual. It will
either go to bed and rest, or meditate and put into perspective, at a
higher level, the karmic situations. In so doing, these situations are
pieced together, absolved and let go. This allows the body to correct
itself, balance and heal. New Age people and those with independent
thought will understand this, because even though many of you are
spiritual, there are those that have experienced heavy pain, and there's
no reason for it. Some people take this dimension so personally that
they could have a heart attack over $5.00.
There are people out there who
get so mad at their children for nothing, they can't see through their
children's eyes. They had problems with their parents, yet they can't
see through their perspective. It is obvious who pays the price, when
you get mad, irritated, upset and pig out on sugar or salt, or get
drunk? The Karma is at the center of the individual. You are the center
of the Universe and Karma lies at the center. The only way for you to be
in place is to create peace from the center outward. But if your too
busy reaching for all this stuff outside of the center, then you'll
notice that the center is kind of powerless. The energy is drained from
your body, from your chakras, and from the center of your Soul. The
Karma compounds and we create a situation or an environment that is very
painful. If you find yourself being negative or worried on a constant
basis, this is a terrible waste of the God-force. The power to create is
blasphemed when you worry and create a bunch of negatives. What you
need to do is surround yourself, including everyone you know and love,
with love and light.
When karmic overload occurs and
you still don't do something about it, that is what can compound and
create imbalance in the body. What we refer to as dis-ease, and not ease
or the opposite of ease, but disease. This can create a sudden or
shocking debilitating illness, like heart attack, or cancer, because
your chakras are shut down. So sometimes when your having a Karma
overload and you do feel stressed out, and you do have symptoms like
headache, dizziness, high blood pressure, pains in the abdomen area or
the chest, then you are basically being asked to absolve Karma. Now,
what does absolving Karma really mean? Well, obviously it means letting
go of things that your being selfish with. It could be money, career, or
love. Alternatively, its stupid things, like worrying about the attic
fan, or being upset because your little girl made it late to school. We
can have karmic overload because we can create little monsters inside of
ourselves that are ridiculous. Karma is manifested in many levels, and
often times when we go through these hard transits we find we push
In Astrology, the afflicted
planets of Virgo, Gemini and Cancer can create the worry, and the
negative mother in us. If your mother's not around you'll do enough
worrying for her, right! My own mother could win the academy award for
worrying. She worried for 10 years that if I had a BB gun, I was going
to shoot myself in the eye with it. Well, the first I day I had that BB
gun (I bought it behind her back), I caught a rick-o-shay in the eye.
This is an example of the power of the God-force at work. She'd say
don't buy a gun, you'll shoot yourself in the eye. Don't do it you'll . .
. Ma, thanks very much, Ping-g-g! I did it! Bingo! in the hospital.
Ta-da! Today, if my mother would stop worrying about me and visualize me
as a God, a King, an Emperor, and as a wealthy individual, and as a
powerful, loving, married, happy person then I'd be there.
The reason why a lot of us find
ourselves in ruts is because we, and other people around us, are busy
manifesting negatives in our aura. It's no wonder we can't get out. What
I say is, bail out of that stuff, get yourself away from their creative
process, and get yourself into a more positive process. This karmic
situation is no light weight problem because people get themselves in
trouble. They keep being negative, worrying and they continue to have
hard astrological transits. If you don't start doing good things, and
start taking care of the Spirit, then there's no way to absolve Karma.
The following may come as a surprise to some people, but did you know
that even a murderer, even someone who's a serial killer, and a rapist,
can turn the corner, meditate, and plug into their God spark in their
Spirit. It might be difficult, for them afterwards, to announce the
crimes they've committed. The Karma you absolve unto yourself is quite
obvious, even though the rest of society is indifferent. It is possible
to absolve major loads of Karma [debts] from doing such awful things
like stealing, killing, hurting people, beating people up, and raping
people, by just going inside of yourself, and into your Spirit.
Many people will say No, No! we
want to punish offenders, we want to hurt them. But the God force
happens to be a merciful force, and even though you meditate, it doesn't
guarantee that your not going to be hurt one day, because sometimes
meditation just isn't enough. If you do meditate, at least it will help.
If we taught meditation, Astrology and Karma to our children, then I
believe that people would be happier by treating each other and
themselves with more mutual respect. This is a key factor as to why
society is in such a mess, because we are not absolving and processing
enough Karma. When people compound too much negative Karma, a Karma
overload, that's when they end up in institutions. These institutions
may be a mental institution, a penal institution, or the hospital.
There are unfortunately mistakes
made in our system, as there is probably one out of a thousand
individuals that will end up in the hospital, jail or mental institution
and they really don't belong there karmically, but for some reason
they're there. Sometimes they are there as a teacher. Sometimes they
have a function or a role there, to help the people who are already in
the institution. If you do get to a point in your life where you
experience karmic overload, and become a victim inside one of society's
institutions, or even somehow held in a foreign country, forget it. The
institution can also be classified as a non-positive government
situation. This is the kind of effect that occurs when a karmic overload
is so serious and so negative. If you think that low level emotional
pain and stress you deal with in the house when watching TV at night is
bad, imagine the poor souls that are lost and are locked up in cells,
behind closed doors and in hospitals with tubes in them, going through
surgeries and pain everyday. Maybe these patients could have done
something earlier in their lives, changed their health habits, and
stopped clogging their veins and arteries.
During most Jewish holidays, its a
tradition to eat honey bread and Holla, which is egg bread. A doctor
will tell a Jewish heart patient to eat no eggs, cholesterol, or sodium,
but the tradition is to eat special breads which are loaded with eggs
and cholesterol, and the Jewish people follow their traditions. That's
why heart disease is high and rampant among Jewish people because they
go to deli's, consume corned beef, roast beef high in cholesterol, salt,
and you wonder why they end up in the hospitals with cancer and heart
disease. They are not taking care of their bodies. This is not intended
to put Jewish people down, it is an example followed in many cultures.
If I had a heart problem, and I don't, I would avoid LDL-cholesterol,
sodium, and triglycerides. I'd go totally Pritkin, which I am almost,
and protect my body.
There are ways to avoid this. You
can create Karma by being mean to your body, just like you can create
Karma by being mean to anything in this dimension. The human body is
part of this dimension, so if your not loving and nurturing to this body
it will turn on you, and you will feel pain. So take care of your Karma
folks, start being loving to yourself, and to your body. Avoid the
cigarette, alcoholic drink, and unnecessary fats and chemicals. Do you
know how much sodium and cholesterol are in a scoop of certain ice
creams? Where is the common sense in clogging up your arteries, buying a
bypass for fifty thousand dollars to make some surgeon rich. Certain
sections of the economy in this country would appear to be based on
death. Many of the foods we love to eat like red meat, eggs, salt,
sugar, white flour can cause heart disease and cancer. Do you wonder why
people suffer when we're all conditioned to eat this crud and kill
ourselves. This is all negative Karma, add emotional stress and you have
karmic overload. Your given the choice to eat digestible raw fruits,
vegetables and whole grains to protect your vital organs and arteries.
You can choose to meditate and reduce your stress levels, protect your
body to stay happier and healthier and to die peacefully. It is
possible. Take a look at your life, its not too late for any of you.
Your body is a powerful vehicle of healing, it is the vehicle of God. It
is the residence of an essence of the God-force. So the body can always
be turned around.
This essence inside of the body,
which is the Soul, is responding to the experiences of your body to the
pleasure, pain and various events in life. Whether you know it or not,
all people and animals have souls. If you look into their eyes you can
almost see their Soul. A person can walk around in this dimension of
life and almost feel like a puppet, because during ones life, you never
really get to see yourself on the outside of your body as those who are
perceiving you do. We generally experience life as individuals with this
conscious mind in the head, processing information and experiencing
sensations from looking, listening, smelling, speaking, and moving limbs
that can feel. So life in itself is a phenomena.
It's funny that as we live this
adventure that we call life, we go through a step by step process
through the years, and we learn, grow and we absorb, and we get
conditioned by ourselves, by society and by our experiences. At times we
are coerced into doing certain things, and making certain choices by
other people with whom we subsequently may wish to blame. The
conditioning in the consciousness formed through years of experience, is
always the one that delivers the final choice. The Soul is in the
background, gaining experience, yet providing the body with a life
force. People will stress themselves out with poor food, lack of
exercise, aggravation and worry. They put themselves in situations that
will cause ulcerated parts in their bodies because the stress is so
incredible. Then they blame the spouse, the children or the career.
Well, who creates this stuff, if it's not that consciousness inside your
head that is always given the choice, whether to create it or not, or
is always given the option to bale out and say no I don't want this in
my life.
So we create our own stressful
situations, and our own Karma. One of the ways you can be happier, is to
finally take responsibility for your own choices and your own actions.
Instead of putting the blame on another person, take a long hard look at
your own life, to see how you created that situation. Certain factors
before birth, create the choice of parents, body, sex, home, city and
culture that you will live in. This may sometimes be by divine grace, or
individual choice because of past life patterns and events. The
experiences and choices available during life create certain
probabilities for events to occur in order to attain optimal Soul
growth. No matter what experiences you do create, because we all are
human in this dimension, many times you will create an experience that
is not going to be fun. Life can be an agony, ecstasy, gestalt,
passion-pain or love-hate syndrome. Some days are wonderful and you feel
great, no one can bother you, everything is fine. Other days, it's hard
getting out of bed in the morning, you don't want to face several
people, you don't even want to call certain supposed friends, you don't
want to hit that traffic and very often we deal with this love-hate
syndrome inside of ourselves.
Powerful karmic situations in our
lives, confronting ourselves with those things in our lives that we
have created, that produce tremendous pain and suffering or discomfort.
Frankly, if we take a look at our lives you might want to take a piece
of paper and write down all the things that make your life miserable.
All the stuff about your wife/husband, kids, dad, mom, house, neighbors,
what ever or who ever bothers you. Now look at it and know it's your
creation. You created it. So what now? If you are suffering through
it... UNcreate It.
Some Tips to Uncreate Discomfort
- Change it, Metamorphose it, Change your attitude about it.
- Make new choices. You have this power of choice.
- Assume responsibility for what is in your life. You are responsible for what is in your life.
- Stop blaming others, yourself. The mess is there so what's done is done, when the opportunity comes make a different choice.
- Learn from your experiences, try not to repeat your messes.
- Don't burn any bridges when you do make bad choices, try to bale out of things as gracefully as possible, when you need to, with a blessing on your lips. Let's forget all this negativity and hostility.
The way to have Soul growth, and
reach higher awareness to your higher self, and open yourself to your
Spirit guides, so you can channel your higher self is to absolve Karma.
Therefore, if the situation that you are in is painful, and too
uncomfortable, you need to process it or somehow get out of it. Make a
deal with yourself, or with others as peacefully as possible to process
your relationships and your life. Don't sit in a rut and put up with the
suffering. It is good to meditate. Meditation and processing
relationships are the two finer ways to absolve Karma.
Wow, did you really almost came to South Meeting? It would be amazing! What a shame you didn't came. I hope you came next year, we'll love it and you'll be very welcome! ♥
ReplyDeleteoh this is interesting :)
Mi hermanaaaaa!! Preciosaa, que de tiempo!!
ReplyDeletePor fin he vuelto al mundo blogero despues de muuucho tiempo de "descanso y desgana" XDDDD
Mujer, que super actualizacion,no he tenido el valor de leerla entera, pero me encantan estos temas, me parecen super interesantes! Aunque muchas veces vivimos tan "para nosotros" que no nos paramos a pensar estas cosas...
Me alegra mucho volver a leerte precisoa!! Ya toy aqui de nuevo conitgo, uajaaaa <3
I agree with you! SO TRUE!! :)
The Misty Mom
lei todo y me encanto :) opino igual
ReplyDeletebesos! ^.^
para mí el karma tiene más que ver con la ética que con la metafísica, pero eso da para una discusión realmente amplia
ReplyDeletegraacias Car por pasar por el blog ! creo en el karma al 100% así que adhiero a tus palabras,