I always promise I’m gonna keep this blog updated but I fail so hard. I’ve been really unmotivated lately, in all areas of my life btw, and my blog is not the exception. I think I already talked about this but having lost a GREAT draft due to blogger's inefficiency really killed my vibe lol. Most of my Spanish speaking readers come here for my Japan posts and I lost a good deal of those drafts, so I was like meh, why bother? All my hard work was lost.
So... I have yet to find an iOS app for Blogget that works and it’s not scammy. I’m writing this on an app called “Easy Blog” but I cannot post pictures here so LOL WHATS THE POINT??? -_- anyways... Enough rambling.
I’ll be back with pictures and a decent post. I PROMISE.
If you’re still there, thanks for reading 😙
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