How come I never do ~casual~ posts?
I'll try to be more casual about blogging cuz otherwise I'll end up like... I am now... with 50 drafts NEVER POSTED cuz they aren't, like, perfect?
C'mon Tsuki just do it. lol |
As I'm writing all my blogposts, Chiquita is asking me for attention 😭😭😭
After my bday passed, I kept on celebrating cuz it was super close to my friends' bday too (yup, we're a pisces coven lmao)
Day 1:
Got together with Maggie! We went to get matcha latte and tacos lol
Almost no pictures of that day cuz I was feeling a bit down and my vergal Maggie did her best to cheer me up and I ended up having SOOOO MUCH FUN 😤😤😤😤😤 10/10 would recommend
Love u biatch 💖
Day 2:
Still felt a bit sad BUT put on my best bad bitch makeup (?) and went to get lunch with Silvi 💗
This was the best tasting ramen I eveeeeer ate! so good
Caly asked me for the recipe for this, I had no idea but after checking out the restaurants ingredients I can say it's made of: creamy sesame broth, grilled pork slices, chilli oil, green onion, coriander, toasted peanuts. The place was called "Chino Fino", btw.
We got ramen and baozi
Then we went to get "merienda" which is the 3rd meal of the day, it's like breakfast but in between lunch and dinner, around 5/6 PM.
Remember that we are used to have dinner at 9 PM / 10 PM soooo I know it would sound super weird to a lot of people but heyyy! Argentina's typical things :P
For merienda, we got matcha latte at Matcha Point (yup, we're addicted lmao).
And since it got dark we decided to get SOME DINNAH~
Day 3:
One week later I went to get boba tea on Buenos Aires' Chinatown
Par-tea is better than Oh Tea, fite me |
Then got together with Barbi, you may remember her for previous years Gal meets?
She's the first true gal friend I had in my same country 😭 I love her to death, and we always go to the same restaurant, Nobiru, for ramen :D
Then afterward we went to get bubble tea at the infamous "oh tea" place to see what's up with all the hype, it was good (but not as good as the other one xD)
Day 4:
Got some cute midriff tops ala Britney and felt cute.
Tried on the turmeric facemask from Kiehl's, love it.
One of my (eight) cats, Catalina aka Catutichan lol worst fucking name ever but we love her, the prettiest chimera tortie 😍 |
I changed my stretcher for this heart shaped one FINALLY since im now at 6? 7? mm |
Day 5:
Got together with my family! It's been a while since I saw my uncle/cousins so we wanted to get the best of the last summer days in the southern hemisphere 💦 before they move out to another province/state!
Day 6:
Went to a japa-mala workshop (this is also known as Hindu rosary).
I wanted one for so long to do mantra meditations
I ended up doing two actually haha.
One is this teal/white one,
Day 7:
This was the day of filming shit and videos and taking boring ass selfies
and feeling tired af lol
Day 8:
I played a bit of Doki Doki Literature Club lmao
Day 9:
I went to get a tattoo with my sis! She got the lavender one and I got the moon potion with a bow 💖💘💘💘💘💘😍 I am so in love with our tattoos!
Day 10:
I got my bf Ariel some custom made pins in sterling silver. These are reallyyyy special cuz they are The Wheel of Time themed :3 which is Ari's favourite book saga (14 books y'all XD)
These are the Asha'man pins in the WoT lore. Y'all better catch up with the books before Amazon Prime releases the TV show so you can be all hipster like me and say "the book was better!!!11" lol
Anyways, I thought of giving Ari these since... idk. back when we started dating? which was 8 years ago so erm I am persistent when I have something in mind xD WoT saga had an official reseller of these but they went out of production due to Amazon getting the license for the TV show... so I asked a local silversmith to craft some for me 💗
(oh and if you are wondering if I'm an Aes Sedai... yup a Blue ajah one 😝)
Un meme, pa descomprimir (?)
Day 11:
Homemade pasta with my family ❤
Day 12:
I dye my white hairs every 3 months so last time was in Dec 2020, it was about time.
Day 14:
Got another tatt from the same tattooer!! Lilith themed this time :)
Day 15:
Another filming day @ Buenos Aires lmao. I know I neeeeeeeeed to post a room tour ASAP, i know ;__; I just need to fix the lighting in this room first~ bear with me plz
Day 16:
Chiquita being cute while I watch anime, I finally finished Gurren Lagann :')
Ok, that's a wrap!
This illustrates my March 2021 pretty well so im gonna leave it at that so it doesn't get too boring lmao. I am probably forgetting to post about other 2939023490 things but its 2 AM and I wanna go to sleep now lol haha.
See ya gals in the next one!
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