
A new GAL m e e t @ Bs As, Argentina! quick update!

So... I haven't been online in AGES! I'm terrible at maintaining a blog, but I've been away of most online communities, god knows why haha. Ugh I simply lack at this x.x now that I have an instagram account I rarely post anymore and I grew tired of dumping gets photos just like everyone else~

Sooooooooooo a few months ago I attended a gal meet ~ ^^
I was a bit reluctant at first but that evening the new girls grew on me :3 Now I like them a lot!
It's nice to see new people getting interested in gyaru again :D like a fresh start!

Barb, Barbie, Yexi, Chibi and Furo~

I did Barb's gal make up! I think it turned up pretty good.... 
Look at that nose stripe! :P

These two girls are called Barbie :3

I live for things like this ;~; that day was so much fun! 
Then later I went to get sushi with my bf... Quite a perfect day overall! ^^
There's still lots of Argentinian gals left to meet - so start gathering soon, girls! <3



  1. Me puse a googlear gyaru porque me encanta aprender sobre estas cosas, y la verdad que la definición de wikipedia me pareció medio derogatoria.
    Pero me alegro de que este tipo de cosas prosperen en el país, últimamente se ven muchas lolitas también.

    1. Hola Agost, te respondo en tu blog así lo ves... Pero sí, desde ya, la definición de wiki es una garcha JAJAJA :P

  2. Me mató lo del HELADO EN LA FRENTE. Y si no me respondías por mi blog, creo que nunca me enteraba. Para mí la opción de responder comentarios del blogger es re al pe, de hecho ni siquiera la tengo habilitada.
    Gracias por iluminarme!


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